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Feedback on our corporate responsibility activities?

De Volksbank welcomes feedback on our corporate responsibility activities. Stakeholders may for instance submit a complaint about any possible negative effects related to our activities. As a financial institution we take responsibility for the connection to any of these effects on human rights or the environment in third countries.


We will confirm receipt of a complaint within one week. In the three subsequent weeks, we will investigate the complaint and seek expert advice. An initial response to the complaint will be given within one month. Depending on the type of complaint, we will consider playing a role in finding an answer to the questions raised, together with (legal) experts and/or mediators.

National Contact Point

Stakeholders are advised to seek remedy with the Dutch National Contact Point (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines. The NCP is equipped to handle specific instances involving activities of Dutch multinational enterprises in third countries.

SER Banking Agreement

De Volksbank adheres to the Dutch Banking Sector Agreement on human rights. Enabling remedy is a topic that we discuss with the other banks that have signed the agreement. The Dutch Banking Association (NVB) will set up an advisory learning platform to discuss remediation dilemmas. More information on this topic will be made available in 2018.

For more information, complaints or questions related to our sustainability policy, please send an email to

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