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We are committed to achieving a fully climate-neutral balance sheet by 2030. ASN Bank has already achieved this, so we know it is possible. Our choice has consequences for our customers, our employees and our investments. For instance, we help people make their homes more sustainable, we only lend money to projects and organisations that meet our sustainability criteria, and we only invest in bonds of countries and organisations that endorse those same criteria.

Duurzaamheid midden visual

How sustainable housing pays off

Retail mortgages make up a large part of our bank balance sheet. For this reason alone, we take a close look at our customers’ homes. Furthermore, since residential behaviour greatly impacts the climate, we encourage people to make their homes energy efficient. This will make the housing market more sustainable and it will bring us one step closer to achieving our objective of having a fully climate-neutral balance sheet by 2030.

Duurzaamheid hoe duurzaam wonen kan lonen

Alles over Sustainability

28 November 2022

Sustainability ratings

De Volksbank wants to make a relevant and positive contribution to society with a focus on financial resilience and sustainability. Independent institutions assess our policies…

26 June 2019

Feedback on our corporate responsibility activities?

De Volksbank welcomes feedback on our corporate responsibility activities. Stakeholders may for instance submit a complaint about any possible negative effects related to our…

26 June 2019

Sustainability policy documents

Our sustainability policy is set out in policy documents. These policy documents give us points of reference to make decisions about our investments, financing and business…

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27 February 2019

First human rights report of de Volksbank

In February 2019, we published our first report on human rights risks together with ASN Bank. In this report, we take a look at the risks of human rights violations in our supply…

Mensenrechtenverslag de Volksbank
02 January 2019

Memberships and conventions

In our daily actions and relationships with suppliers, business partners, customers and society, we adhere to internationally recognised guidelines.

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13 November 2018

De Volksbank happy with banks’ ‘green’ intentions

De Volksbank is pleased that other Dutch banks are also setting themselves hard climate targets for the first time. We already have the ambition to be completely climate neutral…

Klimaatneutraalfilmpje beeld
01 January 2018

De Volksbank carbon neutral

De Volksbank aims to be a carbon neutral bank.

Klimaatneutraal filmpje
01 January 2018

Sustainable housing project

Carbon neutral housing is the focal point in our Manifesto’s sustainability ambition. As our balance sheet consists mainly of mortgages, we see it as our social responsibility to…

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01 January 2018

Carbon profit & loss account

De Volksbank aims to be a carbon neutral bank. We want to contribute to the quality of life on this planet and help keep global temperature increases below 1.5 degrees centigrade.…

08 April 2016

Sustainable business operations

Facility Management of de Volksbank plays an important role in achieving climate neutral business operations.

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