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The three committees – Audit Committee, Risk Committee and Remuneration and Nomination Committee – prepare the decision-making in respect of the duties assigned to them and report to the plenary Supervisory Board.

Audit Committee (AC)

With effect from 20 September 2021, the composition of the AC is as follows: Jos van Lange (Chair), Petra van Hoeken en Aloys Kregting. Apart from the AC members, meetings are also attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the CFO, the Company Secretary, the Audit Director and the external auditor. The AC may also invite others to attend a meeting as necessary.

Risk & Compliance Committee (R&CC)

With effect from 20 Septemer 2021, the composition of the R&CC is as follows: Petra van Hoeken (Chair), Jeanine Helthuis and Jos van Lange. Apart from the R&CC members, meetings are also attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the CRO, the Company Secretary, the Audit Director and the Compliance Director. The R&CC may also invite others to attend a meeting as necessary.

People and Organisation Committee (POC).

With effect from 20 September 2021, the composition of the POC is as follows: Jeanine Helthuis (Chair), Aloys Kregting and Gerard van Olphen. Apart from the POC members, meetings are also attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the HR Director and the Company Secretary. The POC may also invite others to attend a meeting as necessary.