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Isold Heemstra

Chief Customer Officer | Member Executive Board

Isold Heemstra

Isold Heemstra was appointed to the Executive Board on 1 March 2025. Isold is the Chief Customer Officer (CCO).

Isold Heemstra is an executive with extensive experience in the field of banking, insurance, operations and digitalisation. During his career, he managed several complex, digital transformations in the banking and insurance sector, combining a technical background with international management experience. He held the position of CEO of ING in France and CEO of ING in the Czech Republic.

The appointment of Isold as CCO is a first step towards creating the position of COO with effect from 1 July 2025. Upon approval of the supervisory authorities, de Volksbank intends to appoint Isold as the new Chief Operating Officer (COO) within the context of the transformation to a simpler organisational structure.