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Sustainability ratings

De Volksbank wants to make a relevant and positive contribution to society with a focus on financial resilience and sustainability. Independent institutions assess our policies and activities in the area of sustainability. De Volksbank has received high marks for its sustainability policy from various parties. The results of which are shown below.

As of January 2025, de Volksbank received an ESG Risk Rating of 13.0 from Sustainalytics and was assessed to be at low risk of experiencing material financial impacts from ESG factors.

In 2024, de Volksbank received a rating of A (on a scale of AAA-CCC) in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment.

In 2024, de Volksbank received a B (Prime) rating from ISS ESG Corporate Rating and falls within the 1st decile rank.

De Volksbank received a B score for its 2024 disclosure on the Climate module of the CDP Climate Change Questionnaire.

Fair Bank Guide
The Dutch Fair Bank Guide examined the investment policies and practices of the eight most important Dutch banks for its 2020 policy update. The assessment shows that de Volksbank scores well on all the themes examined and that it has the best average score. As the ASN Sustainability Policy is applicable to the entire Volksbank - i.e. to its four brands ASN Bank, BLG Wonen, RegioBank and SNS - as from 2017, the Fair Bank Guide assessed de Volksbank as a whole for the first time for its 2018 policy update. In this assessment too, de Volksbank got the best average score. View the policy scores of all banks and an overview of our scores on investment practices.


Archive ESG Ratings

Rating agency20202021202220232024
Sustainalytics ESG Risk rating10.4
ISS ESGB (Prime)B (Prime)B (Prime)B (Prime)B (Prime)

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